A European project and even more

Convinced that artistic creation plays a major part in our societies, YPAL members have chosen to get largely involved in the evolutions of performing arts linked with the European construction.

By its constant search and reflections, this network contributes to the evolution of intercultural exchanges in Europe and beyond. Today, the YPAL are in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have some contacts with Slovakia, Greece, Canada, Chile and China.

The network and its partners’ ambitions
>> Introduce a new type of collaboration between the spectators and the cultural structures in Europe and beyond. They wish to contribute to the democratization of culture, by making
the audience the core of all discussions.
>>Promote the elaboration of a vast network of exchanges and travelling of young lovers of performing arts in Europe.
>> Give the young spectators the opportunity to show interest in the renewal of artistic forms.
>> Weave a web between the different partners who play a role in the cultural area and with the youth: festivals, local authorities, universities and associations.
>> Create the conditions for a debate capable of influencing the setting up of cultural policies.

At local level
>> Give the opportunity to other young people to join the YPAL in their willingness of exchange with different partners (elected representatives and decision makers, artists, associations, etc.) and to make their voice heard (meetings open to the public).
>> Encourage the dialogue between the inhabitants through the opening of structures and the setting up of debating places opened to everybody.
>> Promote mixed generations and intercultural meetings.